Tuesday, September 13, 2011

RAW Coverage - 12/9/2011

_______________________________________________________________Backstage Josh talks to Miz and R-Truth. He asks about the conspiracy, but Trip gives them a Tag Title Match at NOC. Miz takes the mic, flips the cozy and they wander off as Miz talks about not trusting them and how they’ll finally get the conspiracy cleaned up. R-Truth takes the mic, confuses Miz and they’re off further.
Trip loses at NOC, then he’s no longer COO. To the stage R-Truth talks that they should always be in the main events at every PPV. And they’ll show tonight. Miz says that someone’s gonna get got, R-Truth then used Miz’s awesome. The fans weren’t sure, but seemed to like it.
- Commercial
Miz w/ R-Truth vs. Kofi w/ Evan
Miz and R-Truth still in the ring. Air Boom display a new combined ring entrance that looks a bit loose, but they will grow into it.
Miz starts dirty with an eye poke and blows to Kofi. Suplex to Kofi, then Miz on him with a chinlock. Kofi fights back with a monkey flip, then shoulder block. Back and forth running the ropes. When it looks as though Miz is going over and out, he drags Kofi with him!
- Commercial
Chinlock on Kofi on the mat. During the break a DDT slows Kofi, then the second about stops him cold. Kofi fights back landing both feet to Miz’s ribs. R-Truth is getting screechy out there, but Kofi comes back with axe handles and drop kicks. Kofi sent to a corner, but comes back with a beautiful cross body. Big boot to Kofi from out of nowhere! Quick roll up on Kofi for two. Kofi comes back with a backslide on Miz, then sends Miz to a corner. Kofi somehow landed up top until Miz takes him down and celebrates it. SCF on Kofi for three.
Winner - Miz

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