Sunday, October 30, 2011

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Rankings for Power 25: October 29, 2011

New Twitter Photos

The Miz has posted 3 NEW Twitter Photo's with his recently released girlfriend Maryse (former WWE Diva) and his best friend Ricky (who is dressed up as him)
They all look awesome! First tweet; "Wilfred is getting into Mizchief! #TopThatCostume" 2nd Tweet; "Welcome to LA. Wilfred is bringing it tonight." 3rd Tweet; "I'm so Awesome...Wait that isn't me.... Or is it? Hmmmmmmm"

Friday, October 28, 2011

Smackdown Results – 10/28/2011

Back from the break, Awesome Truth make their way to the ring and their recent attacks against John Cena are show, as their match is now.

WWE Tag Team Champions Air Boom vs. The Miz & R-Truth – non-title match

Kofi and Miz start things for their teams. They circle each other, R-Truth distracts Kingston when he comes near his corner, allowing Miz to take advantage with punches and then several clinch knees followed by a running knee. R-Truth tags in and kicks Kingston in the gut. Kingston threatens to fight back but Truth pounds him with some club fists. He punches Kofi hard in the face and whips him to a corner. When he runs towards Kingston though, the Tag Team Champion lifts his feet to counter. He then proceeds to bring Truth to his corner where he tags Evan Bourne in. They simultaneously kick R-Truth’s legs and then use a double running bulldog. Bourne covers but only gets a one count. Bourne then bounces off the ropes and hits a running hurricanrana, followed by a dropkick in the corner. He whips R-Truth and runs towards him. Truth back body drops Evan over the top rope. He lands on the apron, blocks Truth’s punch and hits a kick to the side of the head. Miz then distracts Bourne, allowing for Truth to recover and punch Bourne to the outside. While the ref is telling Truth not to do that, Miz delivers a clothesline on Evan on the outside. Truth gets out of the ring and delivers a hard slap on Bourne as we go for a break.

Back from the break, The Miz is controlling the match with a submission hold on Evan Bourne. He tries to fight back hitting an elbow to the gut and some kicks to the legs, but Miz dodges his jumping knee attempt. Miz drags Bourne to the corner and tags R-Truth in, who attacks Bourne with a kick to the gut. Truth and Miz hit a big boot sequence that gets Truth a two count. R-Truth puts Evan in a front facelock. Evan fights out of it with some leg kicks and tries to escape by going under Truth’s legs, but Truth holds him off by his leg. Truth tries a clothesline, but Bourne ducks and hits a step-up enzuigiri. After that, they both tag in their respective partners. Kofi and Miz enter the ring with Kofi getting the better of The Awesome One, with a jumping clothesline, two karate chops, a dropkick and another leaping clothesline. The leader of the Boom Squad signals for the Boom Drop, but Miz rolls out of the way early. Kofi tries to get him, but the Cleveland Loudmouth shoves him off. Kofi tries a bronco buster, Miz ducks, but Kingston jumps to the top rope and delivers a cross body. R-Truth breaks up the cover. Bourne delivers a jumping knee that sends R-Truth outside, but when he goes for a vaulting body press, Truth ducks and Bourne lands on the floor. Back in the ring, Miz counters Kingston with a boot, Truth tags himself in, and they hit the Little Jimmy Finale. R-Truth covers and this one is over.

Winners: R-Truth & The Miz via pinfall

After the match, Miz and Truth deliver a promo. Truth tells to the people not to boo him, they should be booing themselves. For those keeping count, they just beat the Tag Team Champions. At Vengeance, they beat Punk and HHH. At Raw, they destroyed Ryder and gave John Cena a beating. Miz says in fact, they beat Cena up so bad, he had to get another partner to face them at Survivor Series, The Rock. Truth thinks they beat Cena to brain damage because he picked as a partner the only man on Earth that hates him more than they do. Miz says that’s fine and dandy, because if Rock accepts Cena’s offer, and they don’t destroy each other beforehand, Miz & Truth will finish the job at Survivor Series.
DESCRIPTION; THEMIZ.NET Exclusive: The Miz & R-Truth respond to the possibility of facing John Cena & The Rock at Survivor Series

VIDEO: Exclusive: Awesome Truth respond to John Cena

Video: WWE Superstars assess their safety

WWE com Exclusive: WWE Superstars assess their safety under the regime of Interim GM John Laurinaitis;

VIDEO: WWE com Exclusive: WWE Superstars assess their safety

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

New Merchandise Available

WWEShop has stocked Miz’s section with lots of brand new merchandise for fans to purchase for themselves and/or friends/family.

WWE Shop; – The Miz: View:

WWE: The Awesome Truth now available on iTunes

WWE has finally released the remix that The Miz and R-Truth use for their entrance on RAW. It is now available on iTunes. Click the link below to purchase it. They also have Miz’s ‘I Came To Play’ theme available to download.

WWE: The Awesome Truth: On iTunes: View:

Smackdown Spoilers – October 28th

WWE taped this weeks Smackdown in Houston, Texas. Below are full results on what Miz is up to!

The Miz & R-Truth beat WWE tag champs Air Boom (Kofi Kingston & Evan Bourne) in a non-title match at 5:43. Truth scored the pin on Kofi following their double team finisher. It was discovered many moves can be re-named using “Boom” e.g. Boomdog, Boompress, Enzi-boom-ri.

Afterward, Miz and Truth cut a promo that they will take out Cena unless the one man who hates him more than they do, The Rock, does it first. Basic planting seeds of dissension before Survivor Series. This came across like the build-up to a basic tag match on an off-brand PPV, not Rock’s return match seven years in the making. WWE has to pick up the pace in the weeks to come.


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

New Appearance Scheduled – Glasgow, Scotland

Meet WWE Superstars The Miz and R-Truth
November 10, 2011
Come meet WWE Superstars The Miz and R-Truth as they sign for the first 400 fans starting at 4:00pm at A1 Comics located at Unit 15, Braehead Shopping Centre, Glasgow, G51 4BN!

RAW-Coverage - 24/10/2011

Backstage Josh is with Ryder. Ryder is thrilled for his first RAW main event. Cena’s his bro and Miz and R-Truth can’t fist pump like him. Awesome Truth then attack Ryder and really beat Ryder up. Into one of those screens ADR slammed onto Cena last week, then Miz about punted Ryder’s face off.
Miz has their music cut and says that Trip tried to stop the revolution they started. But look at Trip now! R-Truth says Trip got what he deserved. Miz says they stood up to those trying to keep them down. When they rise up, no one will be safe from the truth. Ryder and Trip found that out. Cena and the Little Jimmies thought they were done last night. The party is just getting started folks, only the beginning. Cena thought the conspiracy would help with that joke of his tag partner. Nothing will save Cena until he’s get got!
Miz promises Cena that he can wear all he dippy motivation phrases he wants but he won’t raise above this (Miz). R-Truth says that the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Miz says it’s awesome!
Awesome Truth vs Cena
Justin announces that according to Laurinaitis it’s now a Handicap Match. Cena, again in camo shorts, out to the gloating Miz and R-Truth. Again Cena stands next to a Cena hater for the photo op.
Cena on Miz hard and beats him down in a corner. Snap suplex on Miz. R-Truth tags in and eats blows on R-Truth snap mare on R-Truth, but then Miz tags in, but is slow coming in. Cena catches Miz’s kick and works him over. R-Truth distracts and Miz hits a DDT for two. Both stomp Cena in a corner. Chinlock on Cena on the mat. Cena suplexes free. Miz tags in and on Cena. Kick to a sitting Cena’s face for two.
Cole says Trip has a concussion and neck injury, possibly a broken neck. Cole says he’s trending on Twitter. Miz off the top on Cena. R-Truth in on Cena. Back slam on R-Truth, but R-Truth tags out. Shoulder blocks on Miz, then he’s slammed to the mat. 5 knuckle shuffle on Miz, then Miz up for the AA, but R-Truth in and hits Cena with a water bottle to the head.
Winner: Cena via DQ
They both stay and beat up Cena. SCF on Cena, then R-Truth slams Cena to the mat. Miz and R-Truth both bring chairs into the ring. Laurinaitis comes out and tells them to stop it. They’ve disrespected him the way Punk did tonight. They need to do what everyone there wants them to do, get out! Laurinaitis has the refs walk them out. They get almost to the stage and Laurinaitis says they will be in a legitimate Tag Match. He picked Cena’s partner and it didn’t work. So at SS it will be Miz and R-Truth versus Cena and the partner he chooses.
Cena grabs the mic away from Laurinaitis, then sells the pain a bit. Cena is pissed about the setup. Trip deported, Ryder attacked, anybody on the WWE… “Wait, I can choose anybody I want?” The light comes on. He’s sick of Miz and R-Truth thinking they run this program and not doing this out of friendship. If he’s going to beat Miz and R-Truth, his partner has to be someone who will bring it. “Rocky!” chants. He’s not sure he’ll accept, but he picks the Rock. R-Truth is really not happy about this move. Miz looks annoyed, but even worse was his tan melting down his neck in sweaty lines.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Vengeance Coverage – 23/10/2011

David Otunga is shown backstage with John Lauranaitis. Ace says Vengeance was his idea before he’s interrupted by R-Truth and Miz. Miz thanks Ace for making the WWE a safer environment. Truth asks why they were reinstated. Ace says it’s because he believes they have a lot of charisma and he believes they could be the greatest tag team of all time. Not really, but it’s because they suck up well, before he leaves. Miz and Truth argue about who’s the better suck-up before they turn to making fun of Triple H and CM Punk. Miz says Punk sucks so bad, that Booker T says he’s a SUCKAAAA. Truth says the state of Texas sucks, and he’s beginning to not feel safe anymore. Miz says Triple H and Punk should feel unsafe, and Truth says it sucks to be them. Horrible segment.

Tag Team Match – CM Punk & Triple H vs. The Miz & R-Truth
We get a video package that goes all the way back to Money in the Bank, showing the events that have led up to this match, including Hunter being named, and then fired as, COO.

Miz and Truth are the first to make their way out to the ring. Miz dedicated their entrance music to the San Antonio crowd, and walk down singing ‘You Suck’. CM Punk is out next to a huge reaction from the crowd. The Game, Triple H, is the last man to make his way out to the ring, and he too gets a pretty monstrous reaction from the crowd.

The start:

It looks like Punk and Miz will be starting things off. The bell rings and we’re ready to go. Punk goes for a kick but Miz avoids it. Punk chases Miz around in the ring but Miz ducks through the ropes, so Punk slaps at his face before backing away. Miz backs into the wrong corner and Hunter slaps him in the back of the head. This allows Punk to get in a couple of good shots including a big kick to the back. Punk tags out to Hunter and Miz goes across the ring promptly and tags out to Truth.

Mid-match notes:

Punk shoves Miz from the apron out to the floor before locking up with Truth. Triple H puts Truth into a side headlock, Truth fights out of it only to get a shoulder block instead. Another lock up and Hunter buries his knee in Truth’s gut and hits him with a big right. Truth flips over Hunter and celebrates by doing the splits but he’s taken right down with a big right hand. Hunter tags out to Punk who comes in and hits a big falcon arrow on Truth for a two count. Truth kicks at Punk and makes the tag to Miz who comes in and eats a drop toe hold from Punk. Punk goes for the Mexican surfboard but he can’t grab the arms so he rips at Miz’s face and slaps at his back. Punk tags out to Hunter and they hit a double suplex on Miz.

Hunter locks in the figure four leg lock on Miz, and while the ref is attending to Miz, Hunter uses Punk for leverage. Truth is livid and he tries to get the attention of the ref but it doesn’t work. This continues on for a bit until Miz is able to make it to the ropes and Hunter tags right out to Punk. Punk and Hunter split the wishbone and Punk tries for a cover for two. Punk mounts Miz and locks in an arm bar.

Punk sends Miz into the corner but catches an elbow, then a right to the face from Truth. This allows Miz to tag out to Truth who comes in and stomps away at Punk. Truth hits Punk with a big right hand that takes him down to the mat before locking in a rear chin lock.

Punk is able to fight up to his feet and hit a belly to back suplex to force Truth to break the hold. Punk is able to make the tag to Hunter who comes in and takes it to both Truth and Miz. Hunter plants Truth with the spinebuster, drive Miz’s face into his knee, and clotheslines both over the top to the outside. Hunter goes to the outside, tosses Truth into the ring, and fights off an attack from Miz, only to turn around into a baseball slide from Truth.

Truth goes to the outside and beats on Hunter for a bit before sending him back into the ring. Truth tags out to Miz who comes in and stomps at Hunter repeatedly. Miz distracts the ref so that Truth can choke Hunter. Truth tags in and he and Miz hit a double shoulder block which is good for a two count. Truth puts on a front face lock, trying to wear down Hunter, but The Game is able to make it up to his feet. Hunter takes Truth to the ropes, but Truth comes right back with a big corkscrew elbow which is good for another two count. Miz tags in and he goes to work kicking away at Hunter’s stomach before hitting him with a running high knee.

Miz puts on a rear chin lock, but Hunter is able to fight up to his feet and out of the hold. Miz turns it right around, hitting his reverse DDT, clothesline to the chest combo. Miz tags out to Truth and the two lay in to Hunter with boots to the head, setting up another near fall for Truth. Truth wraps his legs around Hunter’s head and squeezes away, trying to get Hunter to submit. Hunter is able to get up to his feet with Truth on his shoulder, he drops to his back to force Truth to break the hold.

Both men go for the tag but Hunter rolls to the wrong corner. Miz comes in and eats a big clothesline from Hunter right away and both men are down. Miz makes the tag and Hunter avoids a scissors kick from Truth, only to connect with a DDT.

Hunter makes the tag and Punk comes in hitting a springboard clothesline on Miz. Punk takes it to both Miz and Truth, hitting a bull dog on Truth and clothesline on Miz simultaneously. Punk goes for the pin on Miz but only gets a two count. Punk goes to the top but he’s stopped by Truth. Hunter interrupts Truth and throws him into the time keeper’s area. Punk goes up to the top and hits his Macho Man-style elbow drop.

The finish:

Hunter and Truth are fighting on the outside and Hunter is attacked out of nowhere by Kevin Nash. Punk tries for the G2S on Miz but it’s broken up by Truth. Miz and Truth hit their finishers at the same time, putting CM Punk down for the three count.

Winners: Miz and R-Truth

Last Man Standing Match for the WWE Championship – Alberto Del Rio w/Ricardo Rodriguez vs. John Cena
The finish:

Miz and Truth make their way from the back and attack Cena. Miz hits Cena with the SCF, then Truth hits the Lie detector. The referee hasn’t counted Del Rio because he’s been distracted by Truth and Miz. The referee begins the count on both men and Del Rio is stirring. Del Rio makes it to his feet at 4. Cena starts stirring at 6, but he’s up at 9. Del Rio is in the ring with the title belt and he uses it to blast Cena. The referee begins the count again. Cena stirs at 5, but he can’t make it to his feet by 10. And this match is over.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Supershow House Show Results

10/22/11 – Corpus Christi, Tex,

Sheamus came out to cut a promo. Christian ran in. Miz & R-Truth ran out and joined in on the attack. Air Boom made the save. Teddy Long came out and signed them in a 6-man tag for the main event later in the night.

Sheamus & Air Boom beat The Miz, R-Truth & Christian in the Main Event of the night.


WWE PPV Vengeance Tonight – Match Preview

The Miz and R-Truth are once again legally contracted WWE Superstars and will face off against WWE Chief Operating Officer Triple H – the man who fired them – and his partner CM Punk – the man who insulted The Game and his entire family.

We’ve always said anything can happen in WWE and this match proves it!

Ironically, The Second City Savior leaving with the WWE Championship at SummerSlam in July started a domino effect of anarchy that ultimately led to the WWE Board of Directors relieving Mr. McMahon of his day-to-day duties as WWE Chairman and appointing Triple Has Chief Operating Officer of WWE.

Punk was no easier for The Game to manage than he was for Mr. McMahon to manage. The war of words between CM Punk and Triple H escalated exponentially on a weekly basis. Their mutual animosity came to a head at Night of Champions when the COO traded in his suit and tie for his tights and boots to try and silence the self-proclaimed “Voice of The Voiceless” at Night of Champions.

Because of interference from Kevin Nash, The Miz and R-Truth, neither The Cerebral Assassin nor Punk truly achieved satisfaction; their rivalry remained unresolved. The situation became even more tumultuous on Raw the following evening when the COO fired The Miz and R-Truth. Even unemployed, The Awesome Truth continued to make life miserable for Triple H when they crashed the WWE Hell in a Cell pay-per-view, assaulted two referees, cameramen and Superstars, ending their assault only when confronted by police officers who restrained them and removed them from the cell. However, while being walked out of the arena with their hands bound behind them, COO Triple H could no longer keep his composure and attacked a defenseless conspiracy theorists.

Miz and Truth responded with a lawsuit and the majority of WWE Superstars, Divas, referees and announcers responded with a vote of no confidence in COO of WWE Triple H and fearing for their safety, walked off Monday Night Raw SuperShow, vowing to extend the walkout to SmackDown and all WWE events if The Game did not relinquish his day-to-day duties as COO.

As defiant as an executive as he is as a Superstar, Triple H vowed not to step down and the result was the WWE Board of Directors again interjecting itself, this time relieving Triple H of his governance over Raw and appointing Executive Vice President of Talent Relations, John Laurinaitis as interim Raw General Manager.

Laurinaitis wasted no time in rehiring The Miz and R-Truth, who ended their first night back on Raw SuperShow once again attacking CM Punk until none other than The King of Kings charged the ring and went after The Awesome Truth with a Vengeance.

Appropriately, at the pay-per-view event bearing that very name, unlikely allies Triple H and CM Punk will fight side by side against the Miz and Truth in one of the most unexpected yet anticipated tag team matches in WWE history. Can The Straight Edge Superstar and Cerebral Assassin co-exist and prevail or will Miz and Truth continue to make chaos the norm in WWE?