Tuesday, November 8, 2011

RAW Coverage – 07/11/2011

Cena out to the ring to mixed reaction. He likes the lively fans and warm welcome that really isn’t warm. He knows why they’re upset. He’s upset too. Much going on in the WWE. Tickets for WM went on sale, don’t want to miss that one. The Rock… Rocky chants. He accepted Cena’s invited to tag. They will team at SS. This brings him to why he’s angry. The ‘Universe’ isn’t talking about this week, they’re talking about Rock on RAW next week. He thinks tonight’s important. The first time Liverpool hosts RAW! Miz and R-Truth are tagging against Cena and a future HOFer.

Miz and R-Truth out to the stage. Miz says Cena’s teaming with a future HOFer? Really? Really? Really? He doesn’t seem to be tagging with him or R-Truth. All Miz has heard about is how Cena embarrassed Miz last week. He’s done things HBK, Batista and others couldn’t do, pin Cena in the ring. But yes, Cena beat him and took out R-Truth. He’s replayed it over and over in his mind. Hopefully Cena DVRs it as it’s the last time that will happen. As a matter of fact, in tonight’s Match they will leave Cena with a lasting impression he won’t forget!

R-Truth asks if Cena’s head the Jimmys laughing at him. The fans are all ‘What?’ at R-Truth and this upsets R-Truth. He rants on about how later Cena will get got!

Cena tells everyone to hide their kids, R-Truth’s lost his mind again. Miz looks like he’s steaming mad! His partner isn’t just anyone. His partner is on fire and… Cena goes on and on, but Miz cuts Cena off as Miz says, ‘It doesn’t matter…’ ala Rocky. This whole time Miz and R-Truth came down to the ring. They both get in and after Cena, but Woo Woo Woo and Ryder makes the save.

Miz & R-Truth vs Cena & Ryder
Awesome Truth out to the ring. Video recap of Cena versus Miz last week with R-Truth getting involved. R-Truth took the AA and lost his Scream mask. Zack Ryder out with his camera in hand and going. Ryder waits for Cena before entering the ring.

Cena and R-Truth lock up. Shoulder block drops R-Truth. Miz tags in and Cena smirks. Cena takes Miz down, then works him over in a corner. Miz whipped, then splashed. Miz from the corner into a clothesline for two. “We want Ryder!” chants! R-Truth tags back in. R-Truth talks smack, then flees. Miz drops down when Cena rushes him. Miz and R-Truth talk outside and R-Truth back in. the fans still chanting for Ryder. Cena tags out and the fans love it!

R-Truth on Ryder with a kick, but they both drop from the shoulder block. Flapjack on R-Truth, then R-Truth sent flying out over the top and lands hard on his head/back.

> Commercial

Ryder over the top of Miz, then takes him down for two. Cena tags in and they double team Miz for two. Miz back on Cena stomping him in the heel corner. Video replay of R-Truth sent flying out over the top and how hard his head hit out there. King says he’s impressed that R-Truth is still standing, never mind still in this Match. R-Truth pins Cena for two. Headlock on Cena. Cena backed into the heel corner. R-Truth pins Cena for two. Chinlock on Cena by the heel corner. Cena keeps working toward, reaching to Ryder, but R-Truth slams Cena to the mat for two.

Miz tags in and taunts Cena. Miz chokes Cena on the bottom rope. Knee to Cena’s face. R-Truth tags in and on Cena’s ribs. Cena’s arms wrenched back on the mat, Ryder wants in. Cena muscles his arms out and tries to get out and up but slammed back. Elbow drop from R-Truth as there’s dueling chants for Cena. R-Truth stomps Cena in the heel corner. R-Truth tags in and they try to double team Cena, but he moves. R-Truth’s shoulder to the post and Cena tags out.

Ryder in with clotheslines, then his knees up into Miz’s face. Cena in the ring, puts on Ryder’s shades and they both kick a heel in corners. Miz ducks Ryder and R-Truth attacks from outside. Ryder beaten down by Miz, then R-Truth in and gets two. Blows to Ryder’s face, then chinlock as the fans chant for Ryder in a big way. R-Truth holds the ropes and avoids Ryder’s dropkick. R-Truth tags out and they both hang Ryder up top. Miz taunts Ryder to his feet then punches him down. Miz taunts Cena, then stomps Ryder. Dueling chants for Cena. Forearms to Ryder’s back. Ryder and Cena reach, but nowhere near reaching. Ryder with a small package almost gets Miz, but then eats a clothesline. Ryder in a corner and then eats Miz’s huge clothesline. R-Truth tags in and kicks Ryder in the gut. Double teamed head kicks to Ryder for two. R-Truth on Ryder with a chinlock on the mat. The fans behind Ryder as he tries to get free. Blows on Ryder, then the hold again.

Double clothesline and both down. Both tag out. Shoulder blocks to Miz, then the slam. R-Truth takes the slam too. Cena looks up at Ryder and smirks. They both hit the 5 knuckle shuffle! R-Truth tossed out,t hen he pulls Ryder from the ring. Miz up for the AA, but Miz reverses and kicks Cena in the head. R-Truth reaches in and holds Cena’s leg and Miz gets the three.

Winners: Miz & R-Truth

Cena smirks on the mat as he did get got. Miz and R-Truth on the stage when Cena starts talking smack.

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