Tuesday, November 15, 2011

WWE RAW Coverage: 14/11/2011

Matt Striker is with Miz and R Truth. Matt asks if they feel overshadowed for their match at Survivor Series. They don’t answer. He asks if they feel disrespected even after winning in the main event last week. They don’t answer. Matt asks them what will they do to get the attention of Rock and John Cena at Survivor Series. They walk away without answering.

Speaking of an Awesome Conspiracy, R Truth and Miz make their way to the ring but they are not dressed to sports entertain.

They enter the ring and Miz throws out a really. Miz asks Rock if that is what he really wants. Truth tells Rock that if he thinks that anything to them, he is the most delusional man in entertainment or Twittertainment. He calls Raw gets Rocked a joke. Truth says that the Truth is that when they are on Raw, this show gets AWESOME. Miz doesn’t care how Rock spends his day or how he makes things trend. He only cares about leaving Rock a quivering mess. Truth says that they can do it right now. Miz holds Truth back and keeps him from taking off his jacket.

Miz says that is not going to happen right now. Miz says that he doesn’t care what Rock wants. He doesn’t care what the people want. It is about what they want and they want to make history at the biggest Survivor Series of all time. Tonight, Raw gets Rocked, but on Sunday Rock gets best. Truth says that is the Truth. John Cena’s music plays and he comes out to the ring.

We have a standoff in the ring and John Cena wants to know if Miz is wearing makeup. Cena apologizes for his partner who thinks that he is the captain of Team Bring It but all he has brought in the last seven years is crappy messages via satellite. Rock says that you will have to excuse his partner because he is not used to the support of someone who has reached puberty. Rock’s partner is so concerned about rising above the hate, but he should be worried about Rock’s size 15 rising up and kicking him in his lady parts. Rock says that is trending worldwide.

Cena appreciates the Ladyparts chant but Rock’s obsession with Twitter and his mangina but he has to realize that they need to be a team. If Rock doesn’t work together, I Bitchslapped Rocky will be trending worldwide. Miz says that he is sick of this and then he throws out a few reallys. Miz says that he is sick of the Rock and Cena show. Miz reminds them that the last time that happened, he won the main event at Wrestlemania. Miz suggests that they should make it a national holiday with the way they are talking about it. Miz says that after they are done with Rock and Cena, it will never be forgotten.

Truth says that Little Johnny and Little Rocky want to go back and forth in front of the Little Jimmys, they can go ahead because they will see them on Sunday. Rock says that they will see them on Sunday. They are all here right now, boots to asses. Rock and Cena go after Truth and Miz. Rock punches Truth and then he hits a Rock Bottom on Truth while Cena deals with Miz and gets him up for an Attitude Adjustment and Rock pulls Miz off Cena’s shoulders to give Miz a Rock Bottom.


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