Tuesday, November 1, 2011

RAW Coverage – 31/10/2011

Miz vs John Cena
Cena out to the stage and rips on Rocky in saying Cena’s there doing it every night. Cena into the ring and the fans are wild for him! After his music stops the heat can be heard. For Miz? The fans are hot! A dueling chant starts and Cena looks back and forth between the women and children yelling and the male voices chanting.

Side headlock takedown on Miz. Miz eats a corner, then whipped to the other. Fisherman’s suplex on Miz (according to Cole, but it was a snap suplex). Standing dropkick to Miz for two. Cena rushes Miz and eats corner. Cena then eats Miz’s big boot. Miz stomps Cena, then blows on the mat. Another big boot on Cena on the mat. Miz gets two as the male/female and children dueling chants start again.a kick to Cena’s gut drops Cena, then a big boot to Cena’s face. Big clothesline in a corner on Cena, then Miz climbs. Flying double ax handle to Cena’s head. Miz stomps Cena, then forearms to Cena’s face. Headlock on Cena and the dueling chants are even louder!

Cena to hits feet and free. Shoulder blocks, then the slam to Miz in what Cole says ‘vintage’ Cena. 5 knuckle shuffle on Miz, then up for the AA, but Miz wiggles free and hits a back DDT on Cena for two. Miz checks his mouth for blood, then to his feet. Cole rips on JR for not showing up hurt. Cena grabs Miz’s ankle for the STF, but free and takes Cena down twice, hard. Miz grabs Cena, Cena reverses and sends Miz to a corner. Cena on Miz in the corner. A massive clothesline about turns Miz inside-out! Cena gets two for it. Cena to the apron and up, but Miz cuts him off. Cena seated up top. Miz sets up, but Cena muscles out. Head butts to the side of Miz’s head. Cena flies with a leg drop across the back of Miz’s head for two.

Miz up, but wiggles out. Miz hits a really sick DDT on Cena for two. Miz rushes Cena but sent out over the top. Cena sends Miz into the barrier. Cena over to grab Miz but is grabbed by someone in the Scream costume and chokes Cena back over the barrier. Back in the ring Cena locks on an STF and gets the win.

Winner > Cena

Scream is in the ring and grabs Cena before eating an AA. Cena removes the mask and it’s, of course, R-Truth. Cena puts on the mask, then puts it on the back of his head. Cena poses, then sends the mask to the fans. The show goes off with Cena posing on a corner.

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